What are barefoot shoes?
The special thing about barefoot shoes: You can enjoy the feeling of going bare- foot while your feet are protected. leguano makes shoes that enable you to use your natural range of motion with minimal restrictions and experience the pleasure of going barefoot. Enjoy that barefoot feeling despite wearing shoes. Whether you want to wear your barefoot shoes with or without socks is completely up to you. |
For whom does going barefoot make sense?
Essentially for anybody who is willing to try and stick with it. You need to walk or run barefoot regularly if you want to achieve the mentioned results. A few barefoot steps a day - say from the couch to the fridge and back – are simply not enough. Barefoot shoes are available for everybody and all age groups: children, over-50s, athletes, couch potatoes, nature lovers, workaholics and ordinary people. |
The advantages of walking on the balls of your feet
This natural way of walking absorbs any shocks and impacts by striking with the forefoot first. Using the balls of your feet is a softer, more elegant and more efficient way of walking than landing on your heel first, as all of the energy is transformed into a forward motion. |